
April 21, 2014

Office Disaster {UPDATE}

Well, it has been quite a while since I last posted. I have made some progress on the office, but not as much as I was hoping! The room is still in a state of 'what exactly blew up in here'. However, a few things have been accomplished.

I have purged my craft supplies and other items as well. Our neighborhood yard sale is coming up this weekend and I want to be ready! There are still a few piles I want to go through with Christian and get rid of some stuff.

I also got around to painting the closet. With the help of Christian, we removed everything that was in the closet. The large white cube furniture and the wire shelf will be sold at the yard sale or re-purposed somewhere else. The wire shelf was a bit tricky to take down. After I removed the four screws and removed the actual wire shelf, there were more plastic pieces stuck in the wall with nail anchors. Now I didn't want to just rip them out and have large holes in the wall. So we jumped on Google and found a video on YouTube. We followed it to a T and didn't have one problem!

This is what the plastic piece and nail looked like.

We jiggled it around to loosen up the hold it had on the wall. Then we stuck a screwdriver between the plastic and nail to loosen the nail.

Then take a pair of pliers and pull the nail out.

Look at that man, hard at work on his first weekend off!

After the nail is out, the plastic piece and anchor can easily pull out of the wall! Piece of cake! When all the pieces were out, I sanded around the holes to remove any loose drywall pieces. Then I filled in the holes. Once it was dried, I sanded again.

After I sanded, I wiped down the walls for a smooth clean finish. Then painting! I got all my supplies together only to realize I didn't have a tray liner. Yikes! Instead of driving out to the store to buy one, I tried a little trick I have seen on Pinterest numerous times. I got myself a bag and wrapped it around the tray. While I much prefer a tray liner and I wouldn't use this method every time, it sure worked in a pinch! 

I went with a light grey {suprise, suprise! ;) }. I have totally been in a 'paint everything grey' mode lately! But to me it is a great color to add pops of other colors! I went with Behr's Sterling in Satin.

While Christian was a huge help taking down the shelf, he usually checks out when any painting begins. You see, he is a horrible painter and is not welcome on any painting sites in our house! What was that? Oh you are interested in knowing what he was doing while I was slaving away behind the paint roller... I'm so glad you asked! Please, allow me to show you what my wonderful husband and amazing puppy were doing!

That's right... they were sleeping! Passed out on the couch! They're lucky they're cute! :)

Well, that's it for now! Next step, putting the craft desk together and organizing!

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