This past weekend in Florida went by super quick. We left Friday evening and got home late Sunday night. We drove over 18 hours in three days, but it was worth it! We stopped just before hitting the Georgia border on Friday at a hotel. We continued on early Saturday morning the rest of the way to Disney World. We went straight to the expo where I got my race bib and other goodies. I also grabbed a new running shirt. It is specific for the Coast to Coast challenge that I am partaking in this year. It is similar to the one pictured below, just in tank top form.
After the expo, we checking into our room at the All-Star Music Resort. After grabbing some dinner in the food court, we headed to Downtown Disney. We weren't going to have time to hit any of the parks, so we opted for a few hours at Downtown. It has really changed, even since October. There are many new restaurants and more new things to come that we couldn't see due to tall barricades. We did a bit of shopping as well. Then back to the room for an early bedtime!
A 3:30am alarm sure does come quickly and so so unwelcomed! After the slightest of hesitation, I was up and dressed and ready to catch the bus. It was about a 20 minute ride to the drop-off area for the start of the race. I sat with a very nice lady who also happened to be from North Carolina. It's a small world after all! (See what I did there?... anyway...) We chatted throughout the ride and then on our way to the corrals. The corrals were from A-P. There was also a section for wheelchair racers and elite runners. I was in corral J. The wheelchair racer (only one) sped off at 5:35 am, followed by the 10 elite runners (you know, the ones who actually have a chance at coming in first). Then corrals A-I took off about every three minutes. Next up, corral J! A few minutes after 6:00 am, I was off on my 13.1 mile journey.
Now I have been suffering with some knee issues since the middle of December and it had gotten pretty bad at times in the last few weeks. Last Wednesday I tried running three miles and only got in one and a half before I had to walk. I had a goal of finishing the race in 2 hours and 45 minutes, a 12 minute 30 second per mile pace. However, I knew that my knee would affect my obtaining this goal. In the past weeks, I had been running no less than a 13 minute pace. I knew this going into the race on Sunday morning, but I was still disappointed to finish the race in 3 hours and 13 minutes. Twenty-eight minutes slower than I wanted.
I was able to run the first mile and a half without problem. I decided to walk a bit so as not to overdo it on my knee. After walking a while, I ran some more. At some point, my knee started hurting and I was forced to walk. I would try running, making it only 20 paces or so and needing to stop. I still wanted a chance to make a good time so I started speed walking. I have never done so much speed walking in my life! I always like to finish strong, so I ran the last eight-tenths of the last mile. I was thrilled that I had completed another half marathon and earned another medal. Yet, disappointed that all my training for most of last year was thwarted by a simple knee ailment. I was pretty bummed. But then I realized that I had to get back on the horse... or, um, running shoes? I have another half marathon to worry about at the end of August. I am taking a week and a half off and getting back to my running class. Hopefully that will be enough rest and I can get back at it.
After the race we were on the road again, heading back home to our puppy and our own bed (seriously, is there anything better?!). It was a quick trip but a successful one at that. Another year, another Princess Half Marathon, another medal! Until next year, Disney World...
(By the way... the winner finished at one hour and 11 minutes! WHAT?!?! That's a pace of five minutes and 41 seconds per mile! Simply amazing!)
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